Mechanical wave is a wave propagation requires a medium in which the energies for the propagation of a wave. The voice is one example of a mechanical wave that propagates through a change in air pressure in the chamber (tight-renggangnya air molecules). Without air, sound can not be propagated. Waves can be seen on the beach, which is a mechanical wave requires water as a medium. Another example misalnyagelombang on a leash or per (Slinky).ang on a leash or per (Slinky).
local disturbances in the magnitudes of certain physical and perambatangangguan in the surrounding medium. The disorder may be the position of the particle oscillation, the oscillation of pressure or the mass density in the medium ¬ concerned, and the oscillating electric field / magnetic aosilasi derived from current or electrical charge oscillations meeting. Unless the electro ¬ magnetic waves, propagation of local disturbances that always takes place in the material medium. Waves that occur can be one-dimensional (eg rope waves), two-dimensional (eg water surface waves and thin film) or three-dimensional nature of electromagnetic waves, ocean waves and earthquake waves.
wave is the basic formula is vf
Where: v = rapid propagation of sound (m / s)? = Wavelength (m) f = frequency (Hz)
Types of Mechanical Waves
Wave mechanics is a disorder that runs through some material or substance that is called a medium to wave it. When the wave goes through a medium that has a wide range of displacement (shift) which depend on the nature of the wave.
If ujuang rope left us a little shake up, shake it then run a rope ¬ pa ¬ njang. The parts of cords that run consecutively with the same motion that we give to the end of the rope, respectively. Because it pegeseran medium perpendicular or transverse to the direction of the wave traveling along the medium, the wave is called a transverse wave (transverse wave). Whereas if it is a medium pegeseran movement back and forth along the same direction as the direction of the wave traveling along the medium, then it disebutgelombang longitudinal wave (longitudinal wave)
wave is the basic formula is vf